
CRM Dashboard – The Best Friend of Sales Teams

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Published on February 12, 2024

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The dashboard is an important customer relationship management (CRM) system feature. Learn how it helps sales teams get up-to-date information and insights.

What is a Dashboard?

Figures are vital to secure the implementation of any project. They have many virtues: they allow you to anticipate, to pilot, or if needed, to change tack along the way while managing your business.

As a company leader, you must have a clear vision of the way awaiting for you and your company. It is crucial for you to set your goals in terms of turnover, recruitment, strategy or cash management. Thereupon, what indicators to trust? Advice from friends? Insights from your staff? Or from your own experience? No, you must better trust figures, because they are a trustworthy and reliable source of information that you will be able to compare in the long run.

The previously mentioned virtues of figures are related to the implementation of an efficient dashboard. It’s a steering tool that summarizes the activities and results of your company by processes. A dashboard identify some indicators, which we will review later on, that allow you to control if you achieved the goals you have set. Ultimately, such a tool will help you to take the decisions needed to run your company.

There are three types of dashboard:

The Importance of The Dashboard Within The CRM Solution

For companies, a management dashboard is as useful to keep an eye on important aspects of your operation as a dashboard to drive a car. Its main asset is that you can modify it as you want according to the goals and the specificity of your business. Moreover, each administrator of your company can configure his own dashboard according to the specific needs related to his position and responsibilities.

But managing a business through its financial status is a bit like driving a car with the only help of rear-view mirrors. By using your dashboard properly, you will obtain much quicker the relevant information to take your decision compared to the financial status information that often arrive 5 to 10 days after the end of the month.

The dashboard will help you to take actions during the ongoing month, and to avoid bad surprises at the end of the month. What you have to remember from this article is that the dashboard is your allied with the sound management of your company.

Before building your dashboard, you must think about the aspects of your management that you have to strongly put under strong surveillance. You must ask yourself the following questions:

Then, for each of these aspects, you have to identify the source of information being available, then make sure that the disclosed information will be correct, quick to obtain and requiring only few manipulations.

Information from the dashboard can come from the accounting or from another database (from CRM, for example), from a manufacturing system, or even from an external source that is related to your industry. Important and non-financial information can also be disclosed through the dashboard, such as the number of orders, the number of extra hours, the number of credit notes, etc.

If data must be manually entered in your table, if data arrives several days after the happening of the facts, if its cost is high, then its usefulness will considerably decrease because your reaction speed will also decrease.

When you decide to think about the parts to supervise, and about the source of information that will feed your supervision, you might have to reconsider some of your working methods. For example, if the procurement managers do enter its data into the system only once a month, it will be difficult to track the inventory and the purchases within a dashboard that will disclose the current status, in real time…!

Dashboard: Main Indicators of a Performance Measuring Tool

5 to 9 indicators is a good range, 7 being ideal. This forces you to sort out and to focus straight to the point. Make sure not to transform it into a reporting tool and to find the right balance between the 4 types of indicators to supervise:

The goal is first and foremost to contrast achievements, goals and forecasts.

Above the core indicators (turnover, sales, active clients, new clients, etc.), here are 5 other indicators that can be relevant to your business actions:

Do not hesitate to solicit your sales and marketing teams to adjust your selection and design the ideal dashboard, according to the specificity of your business. For example, list down the key indicators by sales channels (online, on mobiles, in your shop) or by geographical zones will provide a global cartography of your activity and will help you to identify the improvement opportunities. Or moreover, if you realize that the amount of the average shopping cart of a channel is stagnating for many months, you can decide to implement a more aggressive cross-selling strategy.

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